Our Service

Mobile FEES, LLC is a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) owned company headquartered in the heart of America, Kansas City!  We perform Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) studies for patients in nursing centers (SNF/LTC), rehab hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals (LTACH), county hospitals, MD offices, and homes (IL, AL, HH) in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska.  We bring the bedside endoscopic swallowing test to the patient in a timely manner with convenience so the patient does not have to leave.

Medicare patients also have the option of driving to Outpatient Clinic in Overland Park KS, Hays KS, or Des Moines IA.  Contact us at 816-282-6017 to schedule!

Improved Clinical Outcomes

  • Improved clinical accuracy = reduces costs associated with hospital re-admissions for pneumonia, respiratory distress, dehydration, UTI, electrolyte imbalance, etc.
  • Valid information = reduces the use of alternative or modified diets keeping the costs of tube feedings and thickened liquids low (SLPs educated guesses at bedside or in the dining room are wrong roughly 50% of the time!)
  • Prompt service (within 4 business days) = jump starts therapeutic intervention and decreases the cost of reactive diagnostics such as CXR, lab work, med mgmt, and acute care transfers
  • Realistic assessment = captures the “true picture” of what is happening at meals by the pt self feeding food/liquid with no barium in his/her natural eating position over time
  • Comprehensive, valuable swallow function information = increases patient satisfaction ratings and QOL in assisting with the decision making process related to PO
  • Cheaper than a videoswallow = cost savings to the facility because (1) no need to pay for transportation and/or pt chaperone,  (2) no radiologist/radiology dept charges,  (3) no “lost” therapy minutes while the pt is gone for “skilled” residents,  (4) no denial of facility SLP tx claims the day the pt goes out of a facility,  (5) facility able to be reimbursed the procedure allowable back for “non-skilled” residents.
  • INSTRUMENTAL swallow exam provides objective, measurable data to prove medical necessity of speech therapy services and document progress, or lack thereof, to justify therapy services.

Easy To Work With

  • What’s easiest for you? Schedule a FEES by phone, text, email, or submit an online request
  • We will come to you within 4 business days from your request, so no “wait time” in scheduling
  • Self-supplying (we bring a variety of food/liquid consistencies; however, feel free to include ‘special requests’ or save the patient’s real medication to be tested)
  • Primary SLP, who knows the patient best, is able to assist during the FEES procedure and bill for dysphagia treatment that same day
  • Detailed report (including color photos) provided to you BEFORE we leave
  • Reports and movie recordings are backed up on secured, confidential storage for comparison of studies in future
  • Highly trained SLPs/Endoscopists serve as ongoing consultants for facility SLPs free of charge

Billing Simplicity

  • One flat price (if we do not successfully pass the scope, you are not charged)
  • No mileage/travel charges (regardless of the distance we travel to you)
  • No cancellation charges (we understand change happens)
  • We follow CMS consolidated billing rules


FEES Competency Training Program for SLPs - Contact us for more info!